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Bernhard Stade Owner Michael Stade
48249 Dülmen-Buldern
Weseler Straße 75

Telefon: +49 25 90/9 13 70
Telefax: +49 25 90/17 03


Local court: Coesfeld
Register number: HRA3842

VAT ID number according to § 27a UstG: DE 178737416

Liability notice: Despite careful content checks, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.


Consumer information according to Regulation EU No. 524/2013:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS). You can find the platform at

Notice pursuant to § 36 of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG):

Bernhard Stade, owner Michael Stade e.K. will not participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board within the meaning of the VSBG and is not obliged to do so.

Contact us

Do you have questions, suggestions or need support? - We are here for you. Whether by phone, e-mail or directly on site. You are also welcome to use our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!